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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'self-efficacy' Search Results


The quality of science education teachers’ work determines the effectiveness of education and science education programs in many respects. Given that the results of students are not the same for teachers with the same formal characteristics, we formulate the research problem: when assessing the effectiveness of teachers, we can distinguish a system of indicators that affect the effectiveness of education and educational programs. The purpose of this article is to analyze the quality of work of science education teachers in the Kirov region and their teaching practice. The leading research methods in this case are the concept of the third international study of teaching and learning “Teaching and Learning International Survey”, collecting data obtained through a questionnaire of science education teachers, analyzing the quality of work and conditions of pedagogical practices, statistical processing of the research results, modeling and conversations with heads of secondary schools and representatives of executive authorities. As a result of a study conducted in 2017–2020, in which 1146 teachers of secondary schools of the European part of Russia took part, including 310 science education teachers, the author of the article found: the workload of a school teacher of science education is 0.65; subjects teachers spend on average 42.2 hours every week to perform their official duties, urban teachers have more work than rural teachers; with age, teachers of science education have a partial redistribution of labor activity from teaching to administrative work; actual teaching takes 53% of working time in the structure of workload for teachers of science education; teachers evaluate the completeness of their knowledge upon completion of training at the level of 38% of the required level for performing labor activities; there is a predominant share of teachers with a moderate level of need for knowledge in most areas of professional development. The results of the study allow us to develop a set of group measures for training and methodological support of science education teachers. These measures should take into account the specifics of workload and the characteristics of professional deficits.

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Pages: 1-14
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This is a preliminary paper about a large research project on social mathematics. It proposes points mathematics, a variant of social mathematics, as a viable context for teaching mathematics to adults. Points mathematics, focuses on observing, representing and investigating patterns, regularities and quantitative relationships stemming from convertible points, that businesses offer to their customers/clients for the purpose of encouraging loyalty and for boosting up sales in competitive markets. Using ten illustrative examples, the paper asserts that points mathematics provides practical, realistic context for teaching fundamental mathematics concepts and skills to adult students. These include, but not limited to, the four operations of mathematics (addition, division, subtraction and multiplication), variable, linear equation, graph, rates, percent, ratio, patterns and proportion. The paper is grounded in the theory of realistic mathematics education (RME), that posits that the teaching and learning of mathematics should be contextually-based; entails explaining and solving contextual problems; and establishing high-level interactive relationship between learning and teaching. The paper concludes with three recommendations to guide mathematics teachers of adults who want to implement points mathematics as part of their mathematics curriculum. However, the paper is the first phase of a large research project that explores social mathematics and how it could be integrated in mathematics curricular contents for adult students.

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Pages: 31-42
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As international concerns about the prevalence of out-of-field teaching have grown, so have discussions about how to support out-of-field teachers. In Ireland, the Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching, a two-year professional development program, was created for out-of-field mathematics teachers. A pre-test, post-test, and final survey examined the program’s impact on participating teachers’ mathematical knowledge, confidence in teaching curricular content, and classroom practice. Findings offer evidence of development in participating teachers’ mathematical knowledge and self-efficacy after completing the program. They also raise important concerns about persistent weaknesses in participating teachers’ mathematical knowledge, particularly related to key areas of the curriculum.

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Pages: 47-62
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Mathematics teaching efficacy is an important construct as confidence in one’s ability to teach influences teaching practices. This paper explores pre-service primary teachers’ mathematics teaching efficacy on entry to initial teacher education and the extent that pre-tertiary mathematics experiences and resultant beliefs affected their mathematics teaching efficacy. A mixed-methods approach combined the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (N=420) and qualitative interviews (N=30). The findings suggest medium personal mathematics teaching efficacy among participants with limited conceptions of what mathematics teaching involves. While uncertain regarding their immediate teaching ability, participants reported confidence regarding their potential. Mathematics teaching outcome expectancy was high; however, an undercurrent of conviction exists that external factors, most notably learners’ natural mathematical ability, are critical to student learning.

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Pages: 17-33
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The prediction potential of the model "emotional intelligence and self-reliance" to students' mathematical performance was investigated in this study. This research was conducted in the third and fourth quarters of the academic year 2021-2022. The quantitative research design, specifically comparative and regression analysis, was used in this study. The comparative design was utilized to assess the differences in emotional intelligence and self-reliance between male and female students, and the regression analysis was performed to see if the model "emotional intelligence and self-reliance" can predict students' mathematical performance. In terms of emotional intelligence and self-reliance, the findings show no significant difference between male and female students. Furthermore, the student's emotional intelligence and self-reliance were strong predictors of mathematics performance. It implies that emotional intelligence and self-reliance are essential factors in better math learning. The study suggested that teachers may improve their students' emotional intelligence and self-reliance by integrating social and emotional learning programs into their classes.

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Pages: 145-153
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A Study of Students’ Self-Efficacy in Mathematics Performance Based on Bugis Ethnicity and Gender

bugis ethnic gender mathematics performance self-efficacy

Syamsu Alam , Mega Teguh Budiarto , Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono


The study on mathematical performance was significant enough to be studied further to measure students' self-efficacy. Although studies on student self-efficacy in math performance from a gender perspective were abundant, studies on this relationship from the perspectives of ethnic culture and gender were scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the self-efficacy of Bugis Junior High School students in solving math problems based on gender. The researchers used an algebra problem in the context of the Bugis ethnic culture. For this data set, two of 25 students at a public junior high school in Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, were interviewed based on ethnicity and gender. Qualitatively, the triangulation technique was employed for data analysis. The study results revealed that male students outperformed girls in terms of self-efficacy, namely magnitude, strength, and generality, in math performance. Furthermore, female students had lower self-efficacy in terms of confidence, supportive experience in completing math tasks, and confidence in their ability to complete math tasks in similar or different contexts, compared to male students, who had higher self-efficacy. This result provided new knowledge by exploring the characteristics of students' self-efficacy by integrating ethnicity and gender.

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Pages: 155-170
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This paper reports on part of an ongoing large-scale research on the need to improve science teaching and learning through investigating the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of biology teachers for the topic Biodiversity. Six factors have been seen to affect teacher PCK, i.e., content knowledge, knowledge of students, science teaching orientations, knowledge of assessment, knowledge of instructional strategies and knowledge of the curriculum. This research aimed to examine the teacher’s level of content knowledge (CK). A qualitative research paradigm was adopted, and a case study research design used. The case (unit of analysis) was Biology teacher CK, and the subjects were the four teacher participants purposively selected. Lesson observations, teacher interviews and learner questionnaires were used to collect data on teacher CK. A content knowledge analytical framework consisting of five constructs was designed and used to analyse the teacher CK and data triangulated with data collected from interviews and questionnaires. This research revealed that ‘A’ level Biology teachers’ CK vary from teacher to teacher depending on several factors which include teacher identity, planning, workshopping, and motivation among others. Of the four Biology teacher participants, two had adequate CK and the other two exhibited inadequate CK. Inadequate CK was attributed to lack of planning, non-exposure to workshops and lack of teacher motivation. Consequently, this research recommends supervision of teachers from school level to national level, a series of teacher workshops on the demands of the competence-based curriculum and constructive teacher identity as well as introduce factors that enhance teacher motivation. Further research on the content knowledge of Biology teachers in other learning areas is recommended.

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Pages: 49-63
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate synchronous and asynchronous mathematics teaching modalities at Isabela State University. The qualitative research method was used to collect information, opinions, and experiences of Isabela State University mathematics faculty in employing synchronous and asynchronous modes in teaching mathematical courses in terms of strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and problems. The study's subjects were 15 Mathematics Instructors chosen at random from Isabela State University's nine campuses. A structured interview was created and distributed to participants using Google Form. The limitations on face-to-face encounters prompted the use of such data-gathering technique. The researcher followed up with another video call interview to validate the participants' responses. The data was transcribed and processed using thematic analysis. The findings demonstrated that the synchronous and asynchronous learning modalities both have strengths and disadvantages that influence the quality of the teaching-learning process throughout the epidemic. Given this, distant learning is thought to be more effective when both modalities are used rather to just one of the aforementioned. This is because the strengths of one of the two modalities can solve the flaws highlighted in the other. As a result, mathematics instructors may receive more in-depth training in both asynchronous and synchronous teaching approaches, as well as strategies for becoming more successful teachers during the present school closures.

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Pages: 79-93
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The ability of students to build problem-solving models using procedural knowledge can be viewed from several aspects, including Mastery of Mathematical Problem Solving (MPS), understanding concepts and application of concepts, the relationship between learning outcomes of mathematics and interest in learning, and examine the contribution of the ability to understand concept problems, the application of concepts to the ability of MPS, as well as student difficulties and some of the advantages of students in solving problems. This experimental study aims to explain the effect of the MPS model using procedural knowledge on solving mathematical problems for Junior High School Students (JHSS). The findings showed that 1) The MPS method using procedural knowledge significantly improved learning outcomes, but the mastery of MPS for JHSS was still unsatisfactory. 2) MPS teaching could still not improve meaningful learning outcomes. However, when JHSS applied the concepts, calculations, and problem-solving aspects, MPS teaching improved meaningful learning outcomes. 3) Students' interest in learning mathematics in the two sample classes was classified as positive. Shortly, MPS teaching accustoms students to think systematically and creatively and not just give up on the problems they face.

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Pages: 95-109
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Teaching Science Out-of-field: Beliefs and Practices

boundary crossing constructivist beliefs out-of-field science teaching process beliefs

Coral Campbell , Colleen Vale , Chris Speldewinde


Out-of-field teaching in science is a phenomenon in many secondary schools across the world. While the reasons for out-of-field teaching are complex, its incidence is heightened in low socio-economic communities and in regional and remote school locations. Research on out-of-field science teaching in secondary schools has tended to focus on teacher competence, particularly in relation to pedagogical content knowledge. However, while teachers’ beliefs and teaching practices within their specialist subject are shown to be related, it is unclear how teachers’ beliefs and practices alter when teaching across subject boundaries. Using a boundary-crossing lens, where teachers engage in passing back and forth between different contexts, this study explored the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about their in-field and out-of-field discipline (science) and the connections to their teaching practice. Interview data, including a video-stimulated interview of a lesson in a teacher’s specialist field and then a subsequent out-of-field lesson, were analysed using the framework of a belief that investigated the relationships between in-field and out-of-field beliefs and practices. Findings indicate that those who teach science out-of-field revert to traditional ways of teaching, despite being more open and adventurous in their in-field discipline areas. However, there were significant instances of boundary crossing with their pedagogy to support their teaching – both in-field and out-of-field. These findings support the development of structured mechanisms and strategies to assist teachers to cross boundaries to establish new and unique interdisciplinary practices.

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Pages: 133-148
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In terms of learning and academic level, this study compares the development of mathematical creative thinking skills between students who use the Blended Learning Model with GeoGebra support (BLM-G) and students who use the Blended Learning Model without GeoGebra aid (BLM-non-G). A nonequivalent control-group design and a quasi-experimental research methodology are being used. The participants in this study were eighth-grade SMPN students in Ternate City, Indonesia. The research sample was 125 people from two schools with different grade levels. The instrument used is a mathematical creative thinking ability test. Research result; Learning using BLM-G influences students' mathematical creative thinking abilities at high and medium school levels, with very high categories. When compared to kids who learn using BLM-non-G learning, students who use BLM-G learning exhibit greater growth in their capacity for both mathematical and creative thought. This is based on high school level pupils. Kids who study using BLM-G learning and students who learn using BLM-non-G learning exhibit equal increases in their capacity for mathematical and creative thought at the middle school level.

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Pages: 149-159
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Preservice elementary teachers have had a variety of experiences in their math classes which influence their willingness to engage in math as well as their confidence in doing so. This study examined the responses of two sets of preservice elementary teachers, in 2017 and in 2022, to questions about their "best" and "worst" experiences in math classes. Previous research has seldom asked preservice elementary teachers to examine what they do as students to create a better math experience and research is only now beginning on how COVID-19 may have affected student behavior. Inductive analysis revealed that the emotional intelligence of teachers greatly affected preservice elementary teachers' willingness to meaningfully engage in math. For example, a recurring theme in the data was a strong sense of not wanting to appear dumb, which prevented the students from asking questions or seeking help when needed. This study demonstrates that the classroom environment plays a significant role in preservice elementary teachers' success in math, confidence and comfort level with the subject, and, undoubtedly, how they will eventually teach math to their future students.

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Pages: 161-168
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, this study investigated the role of metacognitive awareness as a mediator in the correlation between attitude and mathematical reasoning among undergraduates who are first year university students. These studies distribute mathematical reasoning assessments, metacognitive awareness questionnaires, and attitude surveys as research data. One hundred eighty-four undergraduate students from one public institution in Malaysia's Klang Valley area participated in the research. The impact of metacognitive awareness on attitude and mathematical reasoning was studied using Version 25 of the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. The findings indicated that undergraduate mathematics and science education students excelled in non-mathematics and science education students in mathematical reasoning capacity. According to the findings, undergraduate mathematics and science education students had good metacognitive understanding and used more approaches in mathematical reasoning assessment. Further study implies that more research should be conducted to assess different demographics, such as institute training teachers' metacognitive awareness and attitude towards mathematical reasoning.

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Pages: 169-180
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Much research in Mathematics instruction has focused on collaborative learning and differentiated instruction. However, very little research in the Philippines focused on utilizing writing activities as an instructional intervention. Even in Mathematics, a subject grounded in computations, this can be beneficial. By explaining how a problem is solved, or why a solution is erroneous, students will learn how the concepts may be applied in a deeper sense. Given the pandemic's limits and the Philippines' low-performance ratings in international assessments, there is a pressing need to develop innovations to continue learning. Hence, this study investigated whether writing activities are effective in improving academic achievement in mathematics classrooms. Using an explanatory sequential mixed methods design, the study involved selected Grade 8 students in a public school in Pasig City. The results of the quantitative data showed a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group as compared to the control. This was supported by the qualitative data which revealed that writing activities help understand the topics, remember concepts, and serve as a reviewer before an assessment. Overall, the study suggests that writing activities as an intervention in mathematics are effective in improving the student’s academic achievement.

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Pages: 181-190
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3D printer technology and 3D design are used in many fields and are gaining various uses day by day. It is seen that the quality of education and training has increased with the effective use of 3D technology in the education and training environment. This study aims to investigate the attitudes of Pre-Service Teachers about the use of 3D printer activities made with Tinkercad in science education. 43 science pre-service teachers participated in the study, which lasted 8 weeks. A mixed research method was used in this study. The problem-solving scale and the attitude scale towards the use of 3D printers in science education were applied to the pre-service teachers. To collect the research data, the attitude scale was applied as a pre-test and post-test. For Paired samples, a t-test was applied and analyses were performed. In qualitative studies, semi-structured student interview questions were applied. According to the findings of the study, there was a significant increase in students' positive attitudes towards the use of 3D printers in science education. Tinkercad and 3D printer trainings have been given and applications have been made within the scope of these trainings. There have been 6 activities related to 3D printers. Thanks to 3D printers, students have the opportunity to present creative ideas and things they imagine to life by making designs in their minds. It seems that abstract concepts related to the sciences are embodied with a 3D printer and turned into tangible objects. Examining a physical object makes it easier for students to identify mistakes they have made in designs. It is seen that they do creative and solution-oriented work against the problems they encounter. Thus, it is predicted that learning will be more permanent and effective.

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Pages: 217-228
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This study examined the impact of the Rwanda African Institute for Mathematical Science, Teacher Training Program (AIMS-TTP) on 228 secondary school students’ interest to learn Mathematics and science taught by 7058-trained teachers over 5-years across 14 districts. Students were exposed to various AIMS-TTP interventions, including industrial visits, science hours, and international day for women and girls in science, mathematics competition, robotics and mathematics challenge, and the Pan African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO). A survey research design was employed to collect data about students’ interest to learn Mathematics and science, and data on students’ choices of combinations were obtained from the National Examination and School Inspection Authority (NESA) for the academic years 2017 to 2022. Data analysis using bivariate correlation and regression analyses revealed a positive and significant relationship (p<.05) between AIMS-TTP interventions and students’ interest to learn Mathematics and science. Besides, linear regression model indicated that hands-on activities, exposure to mathematics and science role models, science hour and smart classroom were the best predictors of students’ interest to learn mathematics and science (β=.197, p< .05; β=.217, p<.05; β=.234, p< .05; and β=.218, p<.05 respectively). They contributed 66.7 % (Adjusted, R2 = .667, p < .05) of the variance in students’ interest in learning mathematics and science. The AIMS-TTP interventions significantly improved students’ interest to learning mathematics and science. Recommendations include comprehensive training programs with direct student engagement, diverse competitions, and ongoing teacher support through professional development. Future research should focus on students’ STEM interest in Technical, Vocational Education, and Training schools.

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Pages: 241-252
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Teachers and teaching styles are two important factors influencing students’ academic performance. In this action research study, we investigated the differential effectiveness of two teaching methods, conventional learning (CL) and peer-cooperative learning (PCL), on students’ academic performance in fractions. A sample of 120 tenth grade mathematics students from Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State in Nigeria was used for the study. The students were selected from three different secondary schools and grouped into two groups: the experimental (PCL) group and the control (CL) group, each having 60 students. A sample of 5 multiple-choice objective and 5 theory test questions titled Fraction Performance Test (FPT) was used to measure their academic performance after the treatment, and the assessment test scores were recorded. Descriptive statistics of the mean were used to answer the research question, while the two-way ANOVA technique was adopted for testing the research hypothesis at an alpha of 0.05. Summarily, the F (3, 116) statistic (= 8.55, p < .001) indicates significant differences in the effectiveness of the teaching methods. The mean scores also reveal that peer-cooperative learning was more effective than the conventional teaching approach. While the former proved to be a more efficacious treatment for female students, the latter was more suitable for male students. We recommend that different approaches be attempted by teachers, and the most effective in overcoming students’ resistance to learning and improving their academic performance be adopted.

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Pages: 269-283
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The overall aim of this study is to examine the association between Swedish students’ attitudes towards mathematics, mathematics achievement as measured by the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), socioeconomic status (SES), and educational background variables. A further aim is to investigate whether students’ attitudes towards mathematics have a mediating role between their mathematics achievement and their background. Several indicators of students’ SES and background, taken from both the TIMSS 2015 database and from Swedish official registers, were used. The overall results show that there were differences in attitudes towards mathematics in relation to the different SES and educational background measures. There are also associations between students’ SES and both TIMSS mathematics achievement and their attitudes towards mathematics. The students’ attitudes towards mathematics only had a small mediation role between the students’ backgrounds and TIMSS mathematics achievement. Finally, although the mediation models had a better fit when including other information, the mediation effect was lower. Practical implications of the obtained results are discussed.

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Pages: 13-26
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Each student has a different amount of time to fully understand information, students with high academic ability (UA) need less time than students with low academic ability (LA). Teachers should apply learning models that can facilitate their study time according to their individual needs. The aim of this research is to assess which learning model is most optimal in reducing the gap in understanding mathematical concepts between UA and LA students. Apart from that, this research also evaluates the effectiveness of implementing the flipped class (FC) model in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts, compared to the problem-based learning (PBL) model and conventional learning models. The research method used was the N-Gain Test and ANCOVA. The research results show that the FC model is the most optimal in reducing the gap in understanding mathematical concepts between LA and UA students. In addition, both FC and PBL models have proven effective in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts when compared to conventional models. Future research could consider combining the FC model with PBL or other learning models to see whether combining these models can improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts more significantly.

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Pages: 27-37
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The study investigated the impact of YouTube video assisted instructions (YVAI) on pre-service teachers’(PSTs) attitudes and academic performance in chemistry classroom. A quasi-experimental design was adopted for the study. One hundred and twenty (120) Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) pursuing primary education programme constituted the participants of the study. Sixty (60) PSTs each were non-randomly assigned to the Experimental Group (EG) and Control Group (CG). Data on PSTs’ attitude and performance were collected with PSTAS and GCPT respectively. The SPSS software version 20 was used to analyse the data to generate descriptive and inferential statistics. A non-parametric analysis was used in the inferential statistics. The attitude means rank (MR=78.62) of EG (U = 713.000, Z=-6.924, p <.001) was statistically higher than CG (MR=42.38) (U = 713.000, Z=-6.924, p <.001) after treatment. The EG after treatment recorded a mean rank (80.86) statistically higher than CG (40.14), U = 578.500, Z = -6.441, p <.001 after treatment. YVAI was proven as an effective instructional strategy that enhances learners’ altitudinal changes and performance. The study recommended the use of YouTube technological-driven instructions to support classroom instructions.

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Pages: 39-50
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