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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'mathematical discourse' Search Results


Using engineering design to teach science requires teachers to engage in noticing, interpreting, and responding to students’ needs in real-time. While research has begun to focus on how elementary teachers do so, less is known about how teachers instructionally support and optimize students’ ideas through engineering design feedback. In this study we investigate what instructional moves two elementary teachers’ employ to leverage students’ ideas and reasoning and create opportunities for students to exchange design feedback. Data were gathered using classroom observations of teachers’ implementations of a design task focused on sound and energy transformation. Observations were coded for teachers’ use of high-leverage practices, and event maps were created to chronicle teachers’ implementation of the task from start to finish. Event maps were analyzed and compared for discrete instructional activities and modes of classroom organization that supported opportunities for feedback. Findings suggested that while teachers used similar instructional moves, how and when they created opportunities for student design feedback differed, resulting in diverse ways of assessing and supporting students’ understandings. Implications suggest design feedback as both a purposeful and naturally present phenomenon throughout the design process, reflective of the nature of engineering design.

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Pages: 53-65
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The current study investigated whether: (1) using an interactive presentation (IP) platform could affect the amount of usage of the practices of making orchestrating mathematical discourse- sequencing and connecting students' responses. (2) using an interactive presentation (IP) platform could affect the amount of narratives constructed by students. Fifty seventh-grade students participated in the study; those students were divided into control and experimental groups. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were performed based on voice recordings and field notes. The results revealed that the teacher using (IP) asked nearly three times more questions that connected students’ responses (i.e., questions that involved valuing students' ideas, exploring students' answers, incorporating students’ background knowledge, and encouraging student-to-student communication). We also saw that the students participated in the learning processes. The students in the experimental group presented three times as many narratives as those in the control group. We present several excerpts from the transcripts of the classroom discussions to illustrate our findings. Discussion of the implications and limitations of these results and make recommendations based on those results.

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Pages: 1-17
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This study tested hypotheses of a hypothetical model determining the influence of teacher clarity and real-world applications while teaching group theory concepts on students’ achievement in modern algebra. The data collected from 139 undergraduate students were analyzed by regression analysis using Stata14’s structural equation model building and estimation. The path regression analysis of the model using SEM model building and estimation confirmed the research hypotheses. First, the utilization of real-world application problems while teaching group theory concepts has a significant influence on students’ achievement in modern algebra. Second, the clear presentation of group theory concepts by the teacher has a significant influence on students’ achievement in modern algebra. Finally, both teachers’ clear presentation of group theory concepts and utilization of its real-world applications have a significant influence on students’ achievement in modern algebra.

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Pages: 111-119
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Teachers and teaching styles are two important factors influencing students’ academic performance. In this action research study, we investigated the differential effectiveness of two teaching methods, conventional learning (CL) and peer-cooperative learning (PCL), on students’ academic performance in fractions. A sample of 120 tenth grade mathematics students from Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State in Nigeria was used for the study. The students were selected from three different secondary schools and grouped into two groups: the experimental (PCL) group and the control (CL) group, each having 60 students. A sample of 5 multiple-choice objective and 5 theory test questions titled Fraction Performance Test (FPT) was used to measure their academic performance after the treatment, and the assessment test scores were recorded. Descriptive statistics of the mean were used to answer the research question, while the two-way ANOVA technique was adopted for testing the research hypothesis at an alpha of 0.05. Summarily, the F (3, 116) statistic (= 8.55, p < .001) indicates significant differences in the effectiveness of the teaching methods. The mean scores also reveal that peer-cooperative learning was more effective than the conventional teaching approach. While the former proved to be a more efficacious treatment for female students, the latter was more suitable for male students. We recommend that different approaches be attempted by teachers, and the most effective in overcoming students’ resistance to learning and improving their academic performance be adopted.

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Pages: 269-283
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Dialogic Scaffolding: How to Design Critical Questions in Developing Students Algebraic Reasoning?

algebraic reasoning critical questions scaffolding dialogue

Mochamad Abdul Basir , Imam Kusmaryono , Hevy Risqi Maharani


Scaffolding dialogue is a concept in learning that refers to the support or assistance given to individuals during the dialogue process. The main objective of this research is to create a basic structure of dialogue to help and support students during the learning process in improving their algebraic reasoning skills. Algebraic reasoning is a process in which students generalize mathematical ideas from a certain set of examples, establish these generalizations through argumentative discourse, and express them in a formal and age-appropriate way. The study was designed using the grounded theory qualitative model method, which used three sequential steps: open coding, selective coding, and theoretical coding. The research was conducted on students of the mathematics education department at Universitas Islam Sultan Agung. Data collection methods include algebraic reasoning ability tests, questionnaires, and interviews. Data analysis in grounded theory is an iterative and non-linear process that requires researchers to constantly move back and forth between data collection and analysis. This process aims to produce a theory that is valid and can explain phenomena well based on empirical data obtained during research. The dialogue scaffolding strategy framework in improving students' algebraic reasoning abilities includes instructing, locating, identifying, modeling, advocating, exploring, reformulating, challenging, and evaluating.

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Pages: 167-184
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