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Research Article

Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Actional Beliefs about Teaching Geometric Transformations with Geometer’s Sketchpad

Shashidhar Belbase , Ram Krishna Panthi , Bishnu Khanal , Mukunda Prakash Kshetree , Bed Raj Acharya

Preservice mathematics teachers' beliefs about actions related to the use of the technological tools in teaching mathematics may affect how they a.


Preservice mathematics teachers' beliefs about actions related to the use of the technological tools in teaching mathematics may affect how they are going to use them in their classroom activities. However, there is a limited evidence of what beliefs they hold on their intended actions of using technological tools in teaching mathematics. This study presents two preservice high school mathematics teachers' actional beliefs related to their intended actions in teaching geometric transformations (GTs) using Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP). The study comprised of a series of five task-based qualitative interviews with each of two senior undergraduate preservice teachers at a medium-sized public university in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States. This study used a radical constructivist grounded theory (RCGT) with five assumptions—symbiosis, voice, cognition, adaptation, and praxis as a theoretical framework to guide the study process. The thematic findings of the study included four in vivo categories of their beliefs associated with actions of teaching GTs with GSP – assessment of student learning, engaging students in a group activity in exploring GTs with GSP, engaging students in individual activity in exploring GTs with GSP, and exploring GTs with GSP as 'suck it up and do it.' Pedagogical implications of these categories have been discussed.

Keywords: Preservice mathematics teachers' beliefs, technology integration, radical constructivist grounded theory (RCGT), actional beliefs, Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP), geometric transformations.

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