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Research Article

Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on Entry to Initial Teacher Education

Mairéad Hourigan , Aisling M. Leavy

Mathematics teaching efficacy is an important construct as confidence in one’s ability to teach influences teaching practices. This paper explor.


Mathematics teaching efficacy is an important construct as confidence in one’s ability to teach influences teaching practices. This paper explores pre-service primary teachers’ mathematics teaching efficacy on entry to initial teacher education and the extent that pre-tertiary mathematics experiences and resultant beliefs affected their mathematics teaching efficacy. A mixed-methods approach combined the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (N=420) and qualitative interviews (N=30). The findings suggest medium personal mathematics teaching efficacy among participants with limited conceptions of what mathematics teaching involves. While uncertain regarding their immediate teaching ability, participants reported confidence regarding their potential. Mathematics teaching outcome expectancy was high; however, an undercurrent of conviction exists that external factors, most notably learners’ natural mathematical ability, are critical to student learning.

Keywords: Mathematics teaching efficacy, Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (MTEBI), personal mathematics teaching efficacy, mathematics teaching outcome expectancy, pre-service teachers.

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