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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Phenomenology of Points Mathematics

Eric Fredua-Kwarteng , Francis Ahia

This is a preliminary paper about a large research project on social mathematics. It proposes points mathematics, a variant of social mathematics, as .


This is a preliminary paper about a large research project on social mathematics. It proposes points mathematics, a variant of social mathematics, as a viable context for teaching mathematics to adults. Points mathematics, focuses on observing, representing and investigating patterns, regularities and quantitative relationships stemming from convertible points, that businesses offer to their customers/clients for the purpose of encouraging loyalty and for boosting up sales in competitive markets. Using ten illustrative examples, the paper asserts that points mathematics provides practical, realistic context for teaching fundamental mathematics concepts and skills to adult students. These include, but not limited to, the four operations of mathematics (addition, division, subtraction and multiplication), variable, linear equation, graph, rates, percent, ratio, patterns and proportion. The paper is grounded in the theory of realistic mathematics education (RME), that posits that the teaching and learning of mathematics should be contextually-based; entails explaining and solving contextual problems; and establishing high-level interactive relationship between learning and teaching. The paper concludes with three recommendations to guide mathematics teachers of adults who want to implement points mathematics as part of their mathematics curriculum. However, the paper is the first phase of a large research project that explores social mathematics and how it could be integrated in mathematics curricular contents for adult students.

Keywords: Points mathematics, social mathematics, realistic mathematics education, adults learning mathematics, context.

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