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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'self regulation' Search Results


The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to measure students’ knowledge and skills needed for today’s society. PISA is a large-scale assessment of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics, and science. In this analysis of PISA data from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), we examined the relationship between gender, mathematics achievement, and perceived meaning in life in BIH students. The sample for this analysis comprised 6480 students (3148 females and 3332 males). The results of the analysis revealed a small but statistically significant, negative relationship between mathematics and the student’s perception of the meaning in life. Boys achieved higher scores in mathematics than girls, but the difference was relatively small. In addition, boys’ rating of meaning in life was higher than that of girls. Knowing what factors influence mathematical achievement might help educators create better intervention programs. In conclusion, we provided some possible explanations for these data.

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Pages: 171-179
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The ability of students to build problem-solving models using procedural knowledge can be viewed from several aspects, including Mastery of Mathematical Problem Solving (MPS), understanding concepts and application of concepts, the relationship between learning outcomes of mathematics and interest in learning, and examine the contribution of the ability to understand concept problems, the application of concepts to the ability of MPS, as well as student difficulties and some of the advantages of students in solving problems. This experimental study aims to explain the effect of the MPS model using procedural knowledge on solving mathematical problems for Junior High School Students (JHSS). The findings showed that 1) The MPS method using procedural knowledge significantly improved learning outcomes, but the mastery of MPS for JHSS was still unsatisfactory. 2) MPS teaching could still not improve meaningful learning outcomes. However, when JHSS applied the concepts, calculations, and problem-solving aspects, MPS teaching improved meaningful learning outcomes. 3) Students' interest in learning mathematics in the two sample classes was classified as positive. Shortly, MPS teaching accustoms students to think systematically and creatively and not just give up on the problems they face.

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Pages: 95-109
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Preservice elementary teachers have had a variety of experiences in their math classes which influence their willingness to engage in math as well as their confidence in doing so. This study examined the responses of two sets of preservice elementary teachers, in 2017 and in 2022, to questions about their "best" and "worst" experiences in math classes. Previous research has seldom asked preservice elementary teachers to examine what they do as students to create a better math experience and research is only now beginning on how COVID-19 may have affected student behavior. Inductive analysis revealed that the emotional intelligence of teachers greatly affected preservice elementary teachers' willingness to meaningfully engage in math. For example, a recurring theme in the data was a strong sense of not wanting to appear dumb, which prevented the students from asking questions or seeking help when needed. This study demonstrates that the classroom environment plays a significant role in preservice elementary teachers' success in math, confidence and comfort level with the subject, and, undoubtedly, how they will eventually teach math to their future students.

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Pages: 161-168
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, this study investigated the role of metacognitive awareness as a mediator in the correlation between attitude and mathematical reasoning among undergraduates who are first year university students. These studies distribute mathematical reasoning assessments, metacognitive awareness questionnaires, and attitude surveys as research data. One hundred eighty-four undergraduate students from one public institution in Malaysia's Klang Valley area participated in the research. The impact of metacognitive awareness on attitude and mathematical reasoning was studied using Version 25 of the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. The findings indicated that undergraduate mathematics and science education students excelled in non-mathematics and science education students in mathematical reasoning capacity. According to the findings, undergraduate mathematics and science education students had good metacognitive understanding and used more approaches in mathematical reasoning assessment. Further study implies that more research should be conducted to assess different demographics, such as institute training teachers' metacognitive awareness and attitude towards mathematical reasoning.

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Pages: 169-180
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Learning to teach mathematics has become crucial since its application in real life cannot go unmentioned. The desire of mathematics education researchers to make mathematics concepts easier for pre-service teachers to easily understand has attracted attention. This has become indispensable since after college, pre-service teachers are deployed from K-12 to assist learners in understanding mathematics concepts. The study aimed to ascertain how improvement in the learning of mathematics concepts using the Problem-based learning (PBL) approach could be understood and/or explained among pre-service teachers. This was viewed in two folds: how improvement in learning outcomes using the PBL approach could be explained; and how pre-service teachers’ disposition about the PBL could be explained/understood. Exploratory case study design involving qualitative and quantitative data was concurrently gathered and used. This involved the use of data collection instruments such as focus group discussion, pre-post-test scores, PBL observation protocol, and PBL disposition questionnaire. The study showed that the PBL method improved the learning of mathematics concepts among pre-service teachers. Pre-service teachers also showed a positive disposition (interest, belief, and attitude) toward the PBL intervention. The authors advocated for the conduct of a longitudinal study to understand the direction of change over time.

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Pages: 51-65
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Recent studies in mathematics education have focused on students' geometric problem-solving abilities, self-regulation, and the problem-based learning (PBL) model. The goal of this study is to examine how well junior high school students' self-regulation and geometric problem-solving skills are enhanced by the PBL model. In this study, quantitative methods using a quasi-experimental design were used. The sample consisted of 45 students from Amanatul Ummah junior high school in Mojokerto, Indonesia. Five types of instruments were utilized to collect data for this research, namely Syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ), and Geometry Problem-solving Test (GPST). The outcomes of the N-Gain test demonstrated how well the PBL model works to help students develop their capacity for self-regulation and geometric problem-solving. Apart from that, there are some notable differences between the traditional technique and the experimental class that is taught using the PBL paradigm. It is advised that similar trials be conducted in the future with a larger population and sample size. In both public and private junior high schools, it is strongly advised that more research be done with a larger population and sample size. Future researchers can also expand the study materials of geometry, not only to flat-sided geometric shapes but even further to curved-sided geometric shapes and also other subject matters.

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Pages: 135-145
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