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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

'learning analytics' Search Results


This mixed methods, investigative case study explored student patterns of use within the online PeerWise platform to identify the most influencing activities and to build a model capable of predicting performance based on these influencing activities. Peerwise is designed to facilitate student peer-to-peer engagement through creating, answering and ranking multiple choice questions; this study sought to understand the relationship between student engagement in Peerwise and learning performance. To address the research question, various usage metrics were explored, visualized and modelled, using social network analysis with Gephi, Tableau and Python. These findings were subsequently analyzed in light of the qualitative survey data gathered. The most significant activity metrics were evaluated leading to rich data visualisations and identified the activities that influenced academic performance in this study. The alignment of the key qualitative and quantitative findings converged on answering questions as having the greatest positive impact on learner performance. Furthermore, from a quantitative perspective the Average Comment Length and Average Explanation Length correlated positively with superior academic performance. Qualitatively, the motivating nature of PeerWise community also engaged learners. The key limitation of the size of the data set within the investigative case study suggests further research, with additional student cohorts as part of an action research paradigm, to broaden these findings.

description Abstract
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Pages: 43-52
cloud_download 349
visibility 665
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Development Learning Video of Integral Application Based on Conceptual Comprehension

calculus learning media shape area learning video

Sumargiyani , Suparman , Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati Peni


During online learning, students were having difficulties in understanding the concept of the application of integrals to find an area. The provided materials in PowerPoint and learning sources such as books are still insufficient to understand the concept. The students’ feedback showed that a learning video is required to help the students understand the concept of the application of integrals. This research aims to develop a learning video concerning the concept comprehension of integrals’ application and determine its validity and practicality. This research utilized the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation (ADDIE) development model, where the subjects of this research were the students of mathematics education at the Ahmad Dahlan University. The data collection was conducted by using questionnaires and interviews. The obtained data was then analyzed for its validity and practicality. The media validity test result shows valid criteria with the assessment of the material expert of 4.629 (very good) and valid criteria with the material validity test of 4.735 (very good). The responses of the students to the learning video show 3.50 with the criteria of Very Good. Based on such results, this concept comprehension learning video is feasible to use.

description Abstract
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Pages: 49-60
cloud_download 262
visibility 473
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