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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK

' COVID-19' Search Results


This mixed-methods, investigative case study explores the experience of a virtual learning environment (VLE) change and its effect on the use of digital learning tools specifically, and teaching practice more generally, for chemistry lecturers at TU Dublin (Ireland) prior to pandemic of the coronavirus disease COVID-19. Initially, a questionnaire examined the different teaching identities the participating lecturers might have and how they relate to the literature. These identities were examined under the following themes: sense of achievement, motivational factors for innovation, innovation positioning, as well as social and organizational factors influencing the decision making. A visual approach of representing the questionnaire data, termed ‘Lecturer Landscapes’, was developed which uncovered new trends based on the biographical descriptors of the research population. Subsequent interviews led to a more detailed investigation of the themes noted in the questionnaire and the Lecturer Landscapes to more holistically capture the professional identity of each respondent. The lens of experience during a VLE change was used to frame each respondent’s professional identity in context. Overall, a VLE change does not have to effect teaching practice and can be experienced as a positive change in teaching and learning. It was also noted that innovation can only occur when specific, and individual, needs and problems are addressed and when personal development is promoted by intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, motivational factors.

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Pages: 101-127
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The ability to think critically is a basic competency that must be possessed by students. This study aims to determine the level of critical thinking skills of junior high school students in Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Various studies have been carried out that explain how important students' critical thinking skills are, but there have not been too many studies on efforts to develop and empower students' critical thinking skills in a practical way. In this thesis, we introduce the technique of empowering students' critical thinking skills by developing a virtual laboratory media based on problem based learning on the material of the human excretory system. In this development, use software construct2 to develop a device which is then integrated with a problem based learning model. It is proven that a virtual laboratory based on problem based learning can improve the critical thinking skills of junior high school students in Belo Kaputen Bima District. We hope that the development of PBL-based virtual laboratory media can improve dramatically, such as the use of 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional software to improve students' understanding of critical and constructive thinking without losing quality.

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Pages: 35-47
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Development Learning Video of Integral Application Based on Conceptual Comprehension

calculus learning media shape area learning video

Sumargiyani , Suparman , Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati Peni


During online learning, students were having difficulties in understanding the concept of the application of integrals to find an area. The provided materials in PowerPoint and learning sources such as books are still insufficient to understand the concept. The students’ feedback showed that a learning video is required to help the students understand the concept of the application of integrals. This research aims to develop a learning video concerning the concept comprehension of integrals’ application and determine its validity and practicality. This research utilized the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation (ADDIE) development model, where the subjects of this research were the students of mathematics education at the Ahmad Dahlan University. The data collection was conducted by using questionnaires and interviews. The obtained data was then analyzed for its validity and practicality. The media validity test result shows valid criteria with the assessment of the material expert of 4.629 (very good) and valid criteria with the material validity test of 4.735 (very good). The responses of the students to the learning video show 3.50 with the criteria of Very Good. Based on such results, this concept comprehension learning video is feasible to use.

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Pages: 49-60
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The prediction potential of the model "emotional intelligence and self-reliance" to students' mathematical performance was investigated in this study. This research was conducted in the third and fourth quarters of the academic year 2021-2022. The quantitative research design, specifically comparative and regression analysis, was used in this study. The comparative design was utilized to assess the differences in emotional intelligence and self-reliance between male and female students, and the regression analysis was performed to see if the model "emotional intelligence and self-reliance" can predict students' mathematical performance. In terms of emotional intelligence and self-reliance, the findings show no significant difference between male and female students. Furthermore, the student's emotional intelligence and self-reliance were strong predictors of mathematics performance. It implies that emotional intelligence and self-reliance are essential factors in better math learning. The study suggested that teachers may improve their students' emotional intelligence and self-reliance by integrating social and emotional learning programs into their classes.

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Pages: 145-153
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Learning in STEM subjects is to a high degree based upon understanding logic, especially in subjects like mathematics. It has always been challenging to preserve the benefits of on-campus teaching and learning while digitalizing the teaching of mathematics. In this article an approach to design for a suitable online pre-calculus course is discussed, that aims to address the challenges. The main focus will be on student active learning in synchronous online environments, technical teaching methods in lectures, and pre-planning of the course. The final exam in the course was held as a closed-book proctored exam on-campus with pen and paper, providing data on comparisons of the final exam scores with the exam from the previous year, in which the entire course was held on-campus. The results indicate a positive effect from the presented design. Also, student surveys indicated high student satisfaction.

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Pages: 191-207
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate synchronous and asynchronous mathematics teaching modalities at Isabela State University. The qualitative research method was used to collect information, opinions, and experiences of Isabela State University mathematics faculty in employing synchronous and asynchronous modes in teaching mathematical courses in terms of strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and problems. The study's subjects were 15 Mathematics Instructors chosen at random from Isabela State University's nine campuses. A structured interview was created and distributed to participants using Google Form. The limitations on face-to-face encounters prompted the use of such data-gathering technique. The researcher followed up with another video call interview to validate the participants' responses. The data was transcribed and processed using thematic analysis. The findings demonstrated that the synchronous and asynchronous learning modalities both have strengths and disadvantages that influence the quality of the teaching-learning process throughout the epidemic. Given this, distant learning is thought to be more effective when both modalities are used rather to just one of the aforementioned. This is because the strengths of one of the two modalities can solve the flaws highlighted in the other. As a result, mathematics instructors may receive more in-depth training in both asynchronous and synchronous teaching approaches, as well as strategies for becoming more successful teachers during the present school closures.

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Pages: 79-93
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In terms of learning and academic level, this study compares the development of mathematical creative thinking skills between students who use the Blended Learning Model with GeoGebra support (BLM-G) and students who use the Blended Learning Model without GeoGebra aid (BLM-non-G). A nonequivalent control-group design and a quasi-experimental research methodology are being used. The participants in this study were eighth-grade SMPN students in Ternate City, Indonesia. The research sample was 125 people from two schools with different grade levels. The instrument used is a mathematical creative thinking ability test. Research result; Learning using BLM-G influences students' mathematical creative thinking abilities at high and medium school levels, with very high categories. When compared to kids who learn using BLM-non-G learning, students who use BLM-G learning exhibit greater growth in their capacity for both mathematical and creative thought. This is based on high school level pupils. Kids who study using BLM-G learning and students who learn using BLM-non-G learning exhibit equal increases in their capacity for mathematical and creative thought at the middle school level.

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Pages: 149-159
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Preservice elementary teachers have had a variety of experiences in their math classes which influence their willingness to engage in math as well as their confidence in doing so. This study examined the responses of two sets of preservice elementary teachers, in 2017 and in 2022, to questions about their "best" and "worst" experiences in math classes. Previous research has seldom asked preservice elementary teachers to examine what they do as students to create a better math experience and research is only now beginning on how COVID-19 may have affected student behavior. Inductive analysis revealed that the emotional intelligence of teachers greatly affected preservice elementary teachers' willingness to meaningfully engage in math. For example, a recurring theme in the data was a strong sense of not wanting to appear dumb, which prevented the students from asking questions or seeking help when needed. This study demonstrates that the classroom environment plays a significant role in preservice elementary teachers' success in math, confidence and comfort level with the subject, and, undoubtedly, how they will eventually teach math to their future students.

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Pages: 161-168
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, this study investigated the role of metacognitive awareness as a mediator in the correlation between attitude and mathematical reasoning among undergraduates who are first year university students. These studies distribute mathematical reasoning assessments, metacognitive awareness questionnaires, and attitude surveys as research data. One hundred eighty-four undergraduate students from one public institution in Malaysia's Klang Valley area participated in the research. The impact of metacognitive awareness on attitude and mathematical reasoning was studied using Version 25 of the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences. The findings indicated that undergraduate mathematics and science education students excelled in non-mathematics and science education students in mathematical reasoning capacity. According to the findings, undergraduate mathematics and science education students had good metacognitive understanding and used more approaches in mathematical reasoning assessment. Further study implies that more research should be conducted to assess different demographics, such as institute training teachers' metacognitive awareness and attitude towards mathematical reasoning.

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Pages: 169-180
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Much research in Mathematics instruction has focused on collaborative learning and differentiated instruction. However, very little research in the Philippines focused on utilizing writing activities as an instructional intervention. Even in Mathematics, a subject grounded in computations, this can be beneficial. By explaining how a problem is solved, or why a solution is erroneous, students will learn how the concepts may be applied in a deeper sense. Given the pandemic's limits and the Philippines' low-performance ratings in international assessments, there is a pressing need to develop innovations to continue learning. Hence, this study investigated whether writing activities are effective in improving academic achievement in mathematics classrooms. Using an explanatory sequential mixed methods design, the study involved selected Grade 8 students in a public school in Pasig City. The results of the quantitative data showed a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group as compared to the control. This was supported by the qualitative data which revealed that writing activities help understand the topics, remember concepts, and serve as a reviewer before an assessment. Overall, the study suggests that writing activities as an intervention in mathematics are effective in improving the student’s academic achievement.

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Pages: 181-190
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Bring your own device (BYOD) policy implementation in schools worldwide has allowed students to learn subjects, including mathematics, using personal mobile devices (PMDs). PMD use has enhanced students’ mathematics enjoyment by bridging the gap between theoretical mathematics concepts and their practical applications, which makes mathematics more meaningful and leads to improved results. Nonetheless, students in Namibian basic education are not authorised to learn with PMDs in school. While students’ PMD use in school remains a topic of debate, there remains a need to investigate its impact on students’ mathematics learning and teachers’ perceptions of BYOD in mathematics classrooms. This study evaluated the perceptions and intentions of 209 Namibian mathematics teachers from the Omusati and Khomas regions regarding students’ mathematics learning using PMDs in schools. Data were collected through an online survey. A structural equation model revealed teachers’ positive intentions towards students’ use of PMDs through BYOD in learning mathematics in school. Perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEoU), and price value (PV) factors directly affected the teachers’ behavioural intentions (BI) towards students learning mathematics through BYOD. PEoU significantly affected teachers’ PU, and PV significantly affected teachers’ PEoU and PU. PU significantly mediated the relationship between PEoU and teachers’ intentions. PV significantly indirectly affected teachers’ intentions through PU. PEoU non-significantly mediated the PV and intention relationship. Practical implications are discussed, and recommendations are offered for the Namibian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and teacher training institutions.

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Pages: 253-268
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Online learning platforms and resources created by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology were a blessing in disguise out of the unprecedented school closure caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. These learning resources are yet to be examined to ensure their usability and their role in improving the quality of learning in science classes. This study analyzed the learning modules and a sample lesson plan from the Teachers Learn Teachers Share platforms based on the three-dimensional learning framework. It examined to what extent is the 3-dimensional learning framework incorporated into the grade 4 learning modules and lesson plan on Energy. The methodology for analyzing the sufficiency of disciplinary crosscutting concepts, scientific practices, and core ideas applied here will enrich the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) based education corpus of knowledge. Findings show that the disciplinary core ideas dimension is the most sufficiently covered of all three dimensions while the practices dimension is only partially covered as some of the points are mostly inferred, and the crosscutting concepts dimension still shows much room for improvement. Primary school teachers and schools’ curriculum development units should enrich the learning modules by expanding the discussions on the module coverage with crosscutting concepts.

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Pages: 1-11
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Each student has a different amount of time to fully understand information, students with high academic ability (UA) need less time than students with low academic ability (LA). Teachers should apply learning models that can facilitate their study time according to their individual needs. The aim of this research is to assess which learning model is most optimal in reducing the gap in understanding mathematical concepts between UA and LA students. Apart from that, this research also evaluates the effectiveness of implementing the flipped class (FC) model in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts, compared to the problem-based learning (PBL) model and conventional learning models. The research method used was the N-Gain Test and ANCOVA. The research results show that the FC model is the most optimal in reducing the gap in understanding mathematical concepts between LA and UA students. In addition, both FC and PBL models have proven effective in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts when compared to conventional models. Future research could consider combining the FC model with PBL or other learning models to see whether combining these models can improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts more significantly.

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Pages: 27-37
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This paper aims to examine the trends around research in science teaching following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This event had a significant impact on education institutions, as it led to the shift to online learning that challenged educators in terms of planning, implementing, and dealing with issues such as the deteriorating mental and physical health of students. This is reflected in the trends of researchers. Contemporary trends around science teaching seem to focus on new teaching practices, modes, areas of investigation, and the impact of modern technology. However, there is limited bibliometric research examining the impact of COVID-19 on science teaching. Hence, 12,840 documents published from 2020 onwards were collected and analyzed from the Scopus platform. The analysis depicted a general interest of researchers around this topic. Findings regarding the focus and area of study, country, and the yearly rate of publication are aligned with those that focus on the individual impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and science education. This can give insights to the general trends regarding the future of science teaching.

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Pages: 67-79
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Predicting Learning Interest among Taiwanese Students in the Context of Big Science Issues

big science covid-19 learning enjoyment learning interest socio-scientific issues

Brady Michael Jack , Chi-Chen Chen , Hsin-Hui Wang , Thomas J. Smith


Research shows that learning enjoyment in specific socio-scientific issues (SSI) plays an important role in predicting grade 10 students’ learning interest and learning enjoyment (i.e., genuine interest) in SSI subjects generally. However, it remains unexplored whether learning enjoyment also mediates a predictive effect of learning interest in a Big Science SSI of pressing contemporary global concern—COVID-19—on grade 12 high school students’ learning interest in SSI generally. The purpose of this study is to investigate how learning enjoyment may mediate the predictive effect of learning interest in the specific Big Science SSI of COVID-19 specifically on students’ learning interest in SSI subjects generally. Latent variable modeling using data collected from grade 12 students (N = 691) showed personal perceptions of learning enjoyment in SSI partially mediated the predictive effect of learning interest in the SSI of COVID-19 on learning interest in other Big Science SSI subjects. Implications for promoting among science educators and policy specialists the active development of students’ individual interests and involvement in other 21st century Big Science SSI challenges are forwarded. 

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Pages: 121-133
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