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College House, 2nd Floor 17 King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London, HA4 7AE, UK
Research Article

Alignment of the Philippine Mathematics Teacher Education Curriculum with the Programme for International Student Assessment

Marilyn U. Balagtas

This study aimed to examine the alignment of the Philippine mathematics teacher education curriculum with the 2021 mathematics literacy framework of t.


This study aimed to examine the alignment of the Philippine mathematics teacher education curriculum with the 2021 mathematics literacy framework of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Such study could inform the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) if its mandated bachelor’s degree in secondary education major in mathematics could produce teachers at the secondary level prepared to deliver the expectations of PISA to mathematically literate 15-year-old learners. Through document analysis, the researcher reviewed the alignment of two official documents accessible online: the 2017 Philippine mathematics teacher education curriculum and the 2021 PISA mathematics literacy framework. Three mathematics education experts validated the researcher’s analysis. The results revealed alignment of the content and competencies covered by the teacher education curriculum and PISA mathematics literacy framework. However, the researcher found gaps in the curriculum in terms of its responsiveness in capturing some contexts and 21st century skills emphasized in PISA 2021 mathematics literacy framework. The study provided recommendations in addressing the gaps to inform needed updating in the teacher education curriculum to meet the expectations of PISA as a step to meeting the international standards of quality educational program.

Keywords: Alignment, international student assessment, mathematics teacher education, national curriculum, Programme for International Student Assessment.

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